Friday, March 9, 2012

Warfare - Just Expect It

Expect warfare when you embark upon a journey of #sexualpurity. Satan wants to keep you in bondage and is not willing to let you out easily. Jesus can break the bonds and will walk with you on this lonely journey. Invite Him for a walk.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How Many Miles Does it Take?

From the Archives: What is your magic "miles from home" number? Are you a local traveler that acts out in your sin closer than 100 miles? Mine was 100 miles. Nobody around, no risk of running into someone I would know. It was freedom, in it's own way. Looking back, it was pure insanity. So how far do you travel before you feel that freedom? Family men who travel to make a living, to support our families -- we are in trouble. With porn addiction rates running over 50% in regular households, we all know it is over 80% in households of men who include regualr traveling in their job description. Maybe your secret sin is not porn -- maybe it is the actual act of infidelity, strip bars, alcohol, drugs, gambling... No matter what it is, it is still a secret and still a sin. And when it stays hidden in the darkness, that becomes Satan's playground. So next time you are X # of miles from home and feeling that freedom, that pull to the darkness, remember you don't have to do it. You can resist. It is possible to win this fight -- one day (night) at a time.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Greensboro, NC here I come. Have a 3 night stay this week. First time laying my head there, hope it's a nice town!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I can do what I want!

I am #free to do as I please. I remember my college days and the craziness that went with it, back in the days before I had a relationship with Christ. Back then, there were no rules...well maybe one - have fun. Then I met my wife, and the rules really didnt change much, until....I met Jesus. When I was saved on an Emmaus weekend, the transformation began. And it has continued. So, yes, I am free to do what I want to do, but because of the Holy Spirit, I choose not to. I choose to try to live a God honoring life. I choose to love my wife. I choose to be a father to my children. I choose to love and hope. What choices are you making?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Church Today and Samson Pirates Monks

Saw a large number of guys from our old Samson group this morning at church. We all agreed that we need to have a Samson update meeting. It will be great to hear how God has worked in each man's life over the last 12 months. I sure do miss the fellowship and friendship of that group.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Quality family time is being in the basement with the power out as tornados pass through Knoxville. The poor dog is about to have a heart attack

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Men - consecrate your hotel room to the Lord tonight. Invite the Holy Spirit in to make it Holy Ground. Ask yourself this: "Am I going home tomorrow with a clean conscience? Have I sinned in such a way that my wife would be ashamed?" I pray the answers are "yes" and "no" respectively.