Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Be Prepared!

Temptation always strikes when you travel. It may not be every time you are on the road, but it happens often enough that you probably can't even identify it when it hits. Does it strike early in the day? mid-afternoon? evening? late night? Satan is so good that he knows exactly when to plant the seed. Soemtimes that's all he needs to do -- just plant it and let you do the rest. It can even happen weeks before your trip! Men - we must be aware and be prepared!!!! Once our guard comes down, sin can step in. How can we be prepared? First, pray. Pray Pray Pray! God can give you the strength to get out of any jam you are in. Second, protect your eyes and ears. Even a slightly inappropriate joke can be a trigger for acting out. Third, have a plan. Know your "exit strategy" - turn and run when needed. Its ok to say "no" to a drink at the bar, its ok to say "no" to flirting with a woman, its ok to say "no" to anything that makes you feel uncomfortable and that you know is wrong. I learned the hard way.

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